About Me


Hi, I'm Amy, nice to meet you.

Inspired by Amazonite, Azonite is here for you to embrace your courage, find your true values and purpose. Enabling you to surpass the fear, living a life of confidence, independence and freedom.

So welcome to my corner of the digital world! I'm excited to have you here as we embark on a transformative journey together. Here you'll find a little about me, the before, the pivotal point and the now. There are several chapters to this journey, but along the way I've learnt to find peace, independence and confidence which hasn't always come naturally.

The Before......

For over two decades, I passionately immersed myself in a thriving business career, adapting rapidly to the dynamic needs of the companies I served. My journey took me around the globe, allowing me to connect with diverse communities and indulge in the joy of mastering production processes in factories – truly my happy place.

Throughout my career, I navigated various product categories and developed a knack for innovative problem-solving. That grew my expertise in breaking down complex issues and delivering creative solutions. I excelled in managing exceptional teams, dedicating long hours fueled by a genuine passion for the work. There was a fire within me to achieve and exceed goals that propelled me to consistently deliver successful results.


The Crossroads.....



But let's focus on that pivotal moment, standing at a crossroads. The once-fulfilling routine began to feel stagnant, can you relate? 

This critical juncture coincided with significant changes in my personal life, prompting a momentous pause, a deep breath, and a reassessment of my values and purpose.

The decision to break away from the familiar and explore new possibilities wasn't without its challenges. Anxious thoughts and the fear of the unknown loomed large, yet here I am, embracing change and carving out a path that aligns with my deepest desires and values.

This shift is more than just a career move; it's a deliberate transition to investing in my own independence and lifestyle. Now, I am creating a path where I can embrace the freedom I've been craving and a lifestyle that resonates with my aspirations.

The Future.....

A new beginning. Now, I'm embarking on a quest in the pursuit of my dreams. Aligning my passions, skills and values. This endeavor goes beyond mere gratitude for past roles; it's a deliberate effort to harness my capabilities, creating something truly meaningful for myself and my family.

Fueled by newfound confidence and self-belief. Qualities that may have been absent in my earlier experiences. I'm enthusiastic about sharing my journey, experiences, and the invaluable lessons acquired along the way.

This narrative isn't just about conquering fear; it's about constructing something I'm genuinely proud of; a venture seamlessly interwoven into the fabric of my life.

I extend an invitation for you to join me as I unfold the chapters of this adventure, divulging challenges, triumphs, and the wisdom gained. Through my story, I aim to inspire you to conquer your own fears, navigate through challenging times, and ultimately craft a life that harmonizes with your responsibilities, family, and friendships.




With my ambassadorship of the incredible Launch You ecosystem, I am here to empower, educate, and support you in achieving your version of success with our proven online business blueprint that, if followed, will make your success in life and business inevitable.


I am a proud ambassador of Launch You, and our vision for you, a powerful creator, is to construct your own reality; a life by your own design where you can reside in a place of flow and purpose, making a living not just by what you do but as a byproduct of the positive impact your work has on the lives of others.


"I like to imagine a time where every person makes a living doing something they truly love".


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